Faculties And Industries

Uskudar University Faculty of Medicine has adopted the principle of educating physicians who will raise the health level of the society; It has an infrastructure created on the basis of outstanding teaching staff and superior health service. Officially approved by the Council of Higher Education in 2018, our faculty is set out with the aim of achieving high quality and universality, both in medical education and health services, by its collaboration with the fully equipped NP ISTANBUL Brain Hospital with a capacity of 149 beds, as well as the fully equipped Istanbul Ataşehir Memorial Hospital with a capacity of 143 beds, active research centers such as NPSUAM, ÜSKÜDAB, ÜSMERA and KIMER, and with its multidisciplinary laboratories. Our students who are accepted to Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine graduate as universal physicians who are willing to research and publish, follow and apply innovations, and can see the future in all fields of medicine.

Faculty of Dentistry
Our aim is to provide the students with the skills necessary to become happy people and successful physicians. Bringing them together with science in the most beautiful region of the world, we have succeeded in developing a unique dentistry program. In the light of this program, science and art will build the happiness of you and your patient hand in hand.

Advertising Department
In today's advanced industrial societies, advertising design and communication is becoming increasingly important. The Department of Advertising is established to train qualified personnel to meet the needs of related sectors with its rigidly based academic tools, as well as having intellectual knowledge. The faculty offers a four-year undergraduate program with a qualified academic staff, and a curriculum suitable for responding to the student's interests, abilities, and orientations.

New Media And Journalism Department
The internet, which has been developed in the age of information technologies, was the beginning of a new era for humanity. Along with the internet, many different structural and functional transformation processes have begun in the field of communication and media. Distinctions such as printed and audiovisual media disappeared, resulting in an integrated and intricate media structure. The Department of New Media and Journalism aims to train qualified personnel in accordance with this new situation in the field of media and communication.

Cartoon And Animation Department
Department of Cartoon and Animation is a field that is based on the theory and practice of synthesizing science with art and virtual reality. The Department of Cartoon and Animation, which is, from one point of view, the future of communication sciences, aims to transfer the theoretical knowledge in the field of communication by supporting them with practical training. In this field, it is aimed to train well-equipped professionals and artists that the sector and universities need.

Radio, Television, And Cinema Department
The mass media such as radio, television, and cinema are becoming more important in the world, a world that has turned into a small village thanks to technology. This situation requires the mass media should be considered a social and scientific phenomenon besides being a tool in communication. In parallel with the rapid expansion of mass media, the training of professionals who will work in various fields of mass communication such as radio, television, and cinema also gains importance. For this reason, it is of great importance to plan the information and message that will be produced in these areas and that will be transferred to the society in a way that will benefit the people from production to distribution processes and even to the use of it. This is possible by bringing qualified professionals to the mass media sector.

New Media And Communication Department
Department of New Media and Communication, which is based on a new media-oriented academic and scientific education-teaching approach, continues its activities with a mission and vision in line with the requirements of the digital age. With its comprehensive curriculum created through the new media phenomenon, which is the modern expansion of the field of communication sciences and media, our department not only responds to the conditions of the present but also turns its face to the future.

Public Relations And Publicity Department
It is a branch of the profession that deals with methods and techniques for creating strong representation environments in the public sphere such as publicity, image, propaganda, and advertising with the development of modern social structure, democratic system and free-market economy.

Visual Communication Design Department
The advances in digital communication Technologies with the rapidly expanding use of multimedia make visual designs increasingly important in media. The importance of visual communication and the need for equipped professionals trained in this field and its tools reveal the importance of visual communication design education in communication once again.

Journalism Department
The journalism profession is not only the oldest of the communication professions, it is also a profession that the need for it will never end. And this is because journalism is a profession that provides the news and information necessary for citizens to make the right decisions, especially in democratic societies.

Department Of Forensic Sciences
In the Forensic Sciences, undergraduate education is provided to work in private or official criminal laboratories, conduct scientific research, develop new methods and equipment, and put them into practice. Students are trained to become specialists who can think interdisciplinary, have a strong scientific foundation and have solid laboratory experience, in order to carry the expertise ahead of the era, and to develop new products and technologies.

Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering is an engineering field that has proven itself worldwide and is increasing in popularity, as a field where design and management are at the highest level. Our department not only teaches the usage of technology but also designs it and produces solutions to real-world problems. Compared to other fields, it is an area where you can start your own business and become an entrepreneur without requiring a large capital. Our graduates can specialize in fields such as health informatics, cyber security, artificial intelligence, data mining, and forensics in today's competitive world.

Bioengineering is a new field that uses engineering principles, methods, and basic sciences such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to solve problems in biology and medicine. In the second half of the twentieth century, with the discovery of semiconductor electronics and the improvements in computer science, bioengineering builds a bridge between technology and life sciences. We aim to educate our students as entrepreneurial individuals who are self-confident, distant from imitation, think multidimensionally and independently, have social responsibilities and ethical values required by their profession, have productive goals, adhere to teamwork, and lifelong learning.

Electrical-Electronics Engineering
The Electrical-Electronics Engineering Program aims at giving the students a strong background in multidisciplinary engineering as well as the basic area concepts, such as electronic circuits, analog, and digital systems, communications, electromagnetics, and control systems. Electrical and electronics engineers have job opportunities in many fields of industry such as informatics, communication, automation, energy, and other public and private institutions that support this industry, as well as in sectors such as banking, maritime, insurance, and education.

Molecular Biology And Genetics
The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics provides education at an international level with theoretical and applied courses that include molecular biology, genetics and bioengineering techniques. Our department aims to direct students to different fields of biology where ethical values are at the forefront, and to graduate individuals who can produce solutions to the needs of society, science and industry.

Software Engineering
Software Engineering Department educates students capable of; Anticipating user needs with its applications specific to health sciences, producing solutions to these needs, designing and developing software, producing algorithmic solutions to problems, keeping up with the rapid change in the field, producing solutions not only with the field of engineering but also in the field of health sciences in its neighbourhood, within-silico methods It aims to train engineers with collaborative skills. Our students are trained as Software Engineers who have a strong engineering background, are trained to work at every stage such as analysis, design, coding, testing, and management in software development projects, can develop mobile and web-based applications, and develop applications in areas such as big data, smart systems, artificial intelligence.

Üsküdar University Sociology Department trains sociologists who are critical, open to change, research and project-oriented, problematize social realities from existential, cultural, and ethical perspectives, analyze them, and produce solutions. Our department offers the opportunity to put this theoretical and methodological knowledge into practice in a metropolis like Istanbul.

Philosophy is an effort to understand and to question life and the world with critical thinking. The Department of Philosophy at Üsküdar University aims to develop new questions, meanings and theories by analyzing and questioning the meaning of life, existence, knowledge, science, morality, politics and art, and to provide students with critical and analytical thinking skills.

Psychology department is a scientific discipline providing academic-clinical education and practice including the behavioral and health sciences from a multi-faceted and critical perspectives. Üsküdar University Psychology Department aims to offer the students the opportunity to integrate education with research, practice and laboratory infrastructure at global standards.

Political Science and International Relations
Political Science and International Relations is a scientific discipline that examine political and global relations at many levels, from economics to law, politics, culture and psychology. As Üsküdar University Political Science and International Relations Department, we meet this need for interdisciplinarity thanks to diverse specialities of our academic staff, and our centers such as the Center for Political Psychology, Turkey's first academic center in this field. We aim to offer higher education of global quality which reaches beyond conventionality.

Üsküdar University's Department of History boasts a dynamic faculty specialising in Ottoman, modern Turkish and global history. Offering a project-focused education, active participation to a process of reciprocal learning and innovative approaches like digital history to students, the Department is located in Istanbul, a global centre in the past and present. Students benefit from this unique location with regular department-organised trips to archives, museums and historical sites.

English Translation and Interpretation
The program trains students to translate and interpret English and Turkish texts and discourses effectively in all fields, to use languages correctly in terms of structure, meaning and context. Hence we improve their theoretical and practical knowledge and proficient use of technology and specialize them in a second foreign language.

Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition and dietetics is a science that examines the methods of nutrition and the most appropriate nutrition and diet programs for human health. Obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, digestive system, cancer, and many diseases are increasing along with the health problems caused by malnutrition. For this reason, the profession of dietetics is gaining importance for the prevention of diseases that are caused by malnutrition and regulation of the current situation. The study areas of nutrition and dietetics professionals are nutrients, nutrition methods, diets, the amount of nutrient intake, type, frequency, regulation of the places of mass nutrition and nutrition of standing and underlying patients. Those working in the field of nutrition and dietetics carry out studies that will contribute to the promotion of health levels in a wide perspective from the protection and development of health to the treatment of diseases.

Orthosis and Prothesis
Orthosis and Prosthesis undergraduate education aims to train health professionals who can take part in the R&D teams of companies that produce and market medical supplies, who have developed the knowledge and skills to not only manufacture but also design assistive and complimentary devices needed by individuals with neurological or orthopedic diseases or orthopedic disabilities. Our vision is to be a respected and innovative department in the field of Orthotics and Prosthetics, providing research and application-oriented Orthosis-Prosthesis education. Our mission is to graduate Orthotics and Prosthetics specialists who can make up-to-date orthotics-prosthetics production and maintenance, follow scientific developments in this field and make original designs, and will maximize the patient's standard of living.

Midwifery is a health discipline that provides follow-up, care, counseling, and education in order to improve, protect, maintain and treat the health of mothers and babies during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, in this way contributes to improving family and community health. Midwifery Department offers four years of theoretical and clinical training.

Occupational Therapy
Üsküdar University Occupational Therapy program trains specialists who can facilitate the synthesis of information about the disabled and professional judgments about the environment, participation in social accessibility, functional analysis of human movements, assistive technology, the functional orientation of people of all ages, scientific research, and development, and production ability to increase quality.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Üsküdar University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation undergraduate program provide a four-year education prepared with a contemporary approach by following current scientific developments to provide students with professional knowledge and skills. The training program includes basic and vocational courses, physiotherapy and rehabilitation assessment and therapeutic approach training specific to specific diseases and age groups, and clinical practice training. At the end of the education, it is aimed to train physiotherapists who have professional ethics and autonomy, are knowledgeable, can take responsibility, have gained professional practice skills, and have the infrastructure to perform their profession.

Nursing is a health discipline consisting of science and art that plans, implements and evaluates the protection and development of health, and the provision of necessary treatment and care in case of illness. In order to protect and improve the health of the society, our department aims to be a leading force at the national and international level in improving the health of the society with its nursing education, research and practices, as well as educating nurses who are capable of education, research and practice based on scientific and ethical values.

Occupational Health and Safety Department
Our graduates will have the title of Occupational Health and Safety Technician. Our students will be at a level that will be able to decide to take all measures that will contribute to the protection and maintenance of occupational safety and employee health in all businesses with the knowledge they have learned in occupational health and safety undergraduate program, to make risk analyzes in accordance with the legal regulations on OHS and to take the necessary measures to prevent risks.

Audiology is a branch of science that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders. The main goal of the science of audiology is to detect hearing and balance loss at the earliest stage and to provide the appropriate rehabilitative approach as soon as possible when necessary. Audiologists are individuals who, within the scope of their education and knowledge, identify hearing and balance disorders, apply and follow up appropriate hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices within the scope of rehabilitation and perform the rehabilitation of individuals with auditory education approaches.

Perfusionists manage extracorporeal blood circulation by using a heart-lung machine under the supervision of relevant specialist physicians in interventions to the heart and/or large vessels. Within the scope of perfusion undergraduate education; In addition to the courses that will provide scientific foundations such as Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry, there are vocational courses such as Introduction to Perfusion, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Cardiac Anesthesia, Extracorporeal Life Support and Monitoring, Heart Diseases, Perfusion in Adult and Pediatric Patients, and field practice in the 4th grade. After graduating from the perfusion program; the graduates can work in public and university hospitals, training and research hospitals, private health institutions and the medical sector.

Health Management
It is a professional branch with training in the fields of "Hospital Management", "Organization of Health Services", "Health Financing", "Health Insurance", and "Health Technologies and Usage" in order to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for the management, operation and planning activities of health institutions and organizations. The graduates of this department will receive the title of "Health Manager".

Social Work
Social work is a practice-based profession that promotes social change, development, cohesion, and the empowerment of people and communities. Social workers improve the quality of life for individuals and effect system-wide change through the pursuit of social justice. The Uskudar University Social Work Department, It is aimed to educate professionals in order to be able to adapt to changing social conditions, cope with the situation of stress on the individual, and develop and implement information-service models that enhance social welfare areas. You will explore social work through rigorous coursework led by expert faculty. And you'll gain important professional connections and experiences.

Speech And Language Therapy
The speech and Language Therapy undergraduate program provide systematic vocational training to provide students with professional knowledge and skills. During the four-year program, the first year has basic and vocational entrance courses. In the second and third years, the characteristics of communication, language, speech, voice, and swallowing disorders, diagnostic methods, and specialized therapy methods for different disorders and diseases are given training. In the fourth year, students take clinical practice training, where they have the opportunity to apply the information they have learned for three years.

Vocational School of Health Services
Associate programs in the Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Schiences are 2 years programs, ie. 4 semesters. Our Vocational School is ment to prepare our students in professional fields such as Physiotherapy, Child Development, Food Technology, and Dental Prosthesis Technology. Thus, our departments aim to provide qualified personnel for the health and engineering sectors by educating individuals who are competent and equipped in their profession.

Computer Engineering (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
In order to closely follow the rapidly developing information technologies, the program offers compulsory courses for students to learn the basic information and elective courses related to the field they want to study. These courses include advanced computer networks, network security, artificial intelligence, digital image processing, cryptography, software engineering, and robotics.

Bioinformatics (Thesis)
Bioinformatics aims to investigate especially molecular biological systems using informatics methods. It also aims to better understand biological systems by researching and analyzing large-scale data produced by technology using computer methods. Bioinformatics graduates can find employment in all healthcare-related fields, industries, and academia. Especially pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies increasingly need bioinformatics graduates.

Bioengineering (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
The aim of the Bioengineering Thesis/Non-Thesis MSc Program is to educate researchers who have the theoretical and technological requirements in the field and gained the ability to follow the developments and focus on teaching by absorbing the pleasure of learning. We aim to meet the need for qualified academic staff by providing the necessary knowledge to researchers and to train senior bioengineers who can lead various studies.

Electrical-Electronics Engineering (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
The Electrical-Electronics Engineering program offers graduate students prominent research opportunities consisting in a variety of areas including numerical modeling of electromagnetic problems, computational electromagnetics, biological effects of electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic compatibility, scattering of EM waves in wireless environments, power systems modeling, and optimization of power systems, distributed generation, renewable energy, smart grids, reliability and feasibility evaluation in power systems, and artificial intelligence applications in power systems. The Diverse areas of research are not only conducted independently but there is also a great synergy between closely and distantly related areas which opens new research and study opportunities.

Engineering Management (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
The aim of the Master of Science Program in Engineering Management (with thesis) is to train engineers who have gained knowledge and skills in the field of management and can work in managerial positions in the industry.Scope of Engineering Management: It is a discipline for making and applying the most appropriate decisions in the management of enterprises specialized in engineering, developing Technologies, and all related systems.

Cyber Security (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
Cyber Security master's degree program teaches how to secure information systems, about cyber-attack techniques, how software is coded in a secure way, how computer networks and systems are designed and installed to be safer, how systems are hardened, and the techniques and knowledge required to perform these tasks. Cyber security master's degree program graduates will have job opportunities in banking, cyber security firms, Computer and Information Systems (CIS) Departments of Government Institutions, CIS Departments of middle size or large firms, Cyber War Armed Forces, Police Cyber Crimes Department, etc. The World needs at least 3.5 million cyber security experts right now.

Biotechnology (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
The aim of the Biotechnology (Thesis-Non-Thesis) Master's Program is to train researchers who have the theoretical and technological requirements and are equipt with the information related to their field, who have followed the developments in their field and gained the ability to follow, and who focus on teaching by absorbing the pleasure of learning. Graduates who have completed the Master's Program can work in fields such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and biomedicine, and also work as researchers and academics in industrial biotechnology environments, pharmaceutical companies, forensic medicine laboratories, private diagnostic laboratories, public hospital genetics laboratories, or universities.

Chemical engineering (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
Chemical engineering is a vast and versatile engineering branch that deals with the development and implementation of processes in which the chemical structure, energy content, or physical state of the materials are altered. Chemical Engineering Master's degree program offers to create a specialization opportunity in many fields such as petrochemical, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemical process modeling, environmental and energy management, renewable energy, waste management, biomaterials, nanotechnology, catalysts and catalytic reactions, polymer science, process engineering, bioinformatics, and biostatistics. The job opportunities of chemical engineers are very diverse.

Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
The artificial Intelligence Engineering program aims to develop and establish smart systems, working on natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision by using large data. There are many job opportunities in every field in the public and private sectors, and the interest and need for artificial intelligence engineering are rapidly increasing.

Molecular Biology (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
Molecular Biology is a branch of science that studies biology as a concept at the molecular level. Molecular Biology and Genetics include areas such as diagnosing diseases, investigating the cause of the disease, and predetermining the mechanisms that cause any physical problem. From this point of view, with the progress made in the field of genetics and technology in recent years, there has been a great desire and demand to better determine what kind of changes genes are exposed to in body systems with newly developed techniques and methods. To provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of a range of diseases, including all metabolic disorders, particularly genetic diseases, at both basic and experimental stages. It is to train qualified, qualified educators and academics who want to play an important role in seeking solutions for today's and tomorrow's diseases
Üsküdar University in 5 minute
10 Reasons to Choose Üsküdar University
- Because we're in the center of the city!
- Because we have everything you're looking for in technology and health.!
- Because we're the first practitioner of "Positive Psychology"!
- Because Erasmus+ and more are waiting for you!
- Because here's everything you're looking for about “Perfect Medicine”!
- Because we have a strong academic staff!
- Because we care about R&D!
- Because we have everything you need in a research center!
- Because we have all the opportunities for the professions of the future!
- Because we support success with scholarship opportunities!
Üsküdar University is a city academy, residing at the heart of the largest metropolis in Europe, İstanbul. It consists of 5 separate campuses, each dedicated to some scientific or professional field.
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